Just because Monster isnt quite as good as some of R.E.M.s other work doesnt make it bad... Even R.E.M.s B-Sides and throw-aways are 10X times better than most bands best work... and Monster is definitely better than their throw-aways! A lot of people seem to think that R.E.M. should stick to one type of music... i.e. acoustics like in Automatic... or their early, jangly sound. But, wouldnt 12 albums full of the same sounding stuff get old? R.E.M.s success and talent lies in a big part in the fact that they are always trying different things, doing what no one expects of them. And Monster is a good example of that - coming from two largely acoustic, introspective albums into the hardest rocking album as a whole that theyve ever done... the album that made some grunge bands who thought alternative rock had nothing to offer turn their heads in surprise. Every track has something to offer:
Whats The Frequency, Kenneth? is a great album opener, although radio has played it enough that its not as good as it used to be.... Crush With Eyeliner is one of my favorites on the album - it has attitude, and truly rocks... King Of Comedy is my least favorite - I realize that its a good song, I just cant get into its groove enough to enjoy it much... I Dont Sleep, I Dream is a little slower song, Stipe using falsetto for the chorus... Star 69 is back to fast hard rock with an echo on the vocal... Strange Currencies is a beautiful ballad, shows that electric guitar feedback can really give feeling to a ballad if introduced at the right time... Tongue, another of my favorites, has Stipe singing falsetto throughout the song (I once heard that this is a Carol King impression, is that correct?)... Bang And Blame is, well, not my favorite, but by no means bad either... I Took Your Name is another of my favorites, kind of a Stones sound to it... Let Me In is a heartfelt tribute to Kurt Cobain... Circus Envy is about as dark as R.E.M. gets, with dark lyrics and feedback/fuzz on top of the song the whole way through... You is a good closer, a little slower but with a good tune that makes you want to listen to the album again