They will promise you everything under the sun like" you will get a lot of jobs matching you highlighted , sent to your id etc. Believe you me, I have not got a single job that matches my profile in spite of creating a job agent and subscribing for highlighter package both in India and Singapore. In fact, a few that have trickled in are for customer service rep wherein I am a senior Manager!! I have been literally begging them to revert to my concern but they do not have the decency to even respond. Basically a con job, promise a lot during initial discussion, take your money and thats about it.
Please stay away from this if its your hard earned money. My sincere request. btw, they also said my resume will be sent to hundreds of consultants as well, surprisingly not a single job suiting my profile is available as per them I guess!! though there are lots in the market and I have manually searched for them on all job sites. I understand that to get through an interview is up to us and not something monster can help with but not even sending relevant jobs and not answering your customer when he questions??? absolutely disgusting. Pls pls , do not pay money to them. You can write to me if you have any questions or ask for my number as well. I intend to seek help from consumer forum. Lets see how it turns up
Update : Its September 11th today and monster team has still not responded to my emails. They still keep sending me job openings for advisers though I am a Senior Ops manager. Absolutely shameless people who ate up my money and failed to respond when I questioned them. To all who read my comments, my number is 9632581562. I kid not, do not spend money on monster