Many of you might go against me because may be some of you have got jobs through this site but I am not touching that part (because thats their duty and even other sites do that) , I m only going to talk about monster.coms role in providing (technical ) assistance and information to its users
Now first thing I signed up for an account with and strangely while signing up chose my username automatically and I was not even asked for any confirmation
and I m recieving those annoying job alert mails in my inbox which I really dont want to ,
secondly, I have sent so many feedbacks requesting them to delete my account but there is no response from their side,
I visited that website and I did not find any sort of help in regard to bugs and errors with the site there are no FAQs, Help etc
and the feedback form , is of no use , its just for covering the extra space on the website and enhancing the look of the website,
there are no email links available as to whom should one contact for so and so purpose,
only thing thats available is few contact numbers including one toll free number which no one picks up
I have signed up with many other job sites one of them being and its really a site one can go in for ,
One doesnt have to sign up, he/she can view the job oppurtunities available without having an account at and all the options like delete the account etc are provided in the users profile so whenever they feel like they can go for them and also fast response is provided by the timesjob team in case if any assistance is required.
and is also equally good and is similar to or may be even better than the latter , I prefer these two sites more than but unfortunately as its name says is still haunting me with those annoying emails , I really wish that they read my review about their site and start hating me and stop haunting me lol anyways ........Bye guys