Montex Classic
I confided in Montex Pen Company since past scarcely any years.Currently, my confidence in Montex Pens has lost and I have chosen to change over to other pens.Two weeks prior, an issue brought about another pen of this organization as its ink became faint from dull lastly it didnt work after utilization of just 1/fourth amount of the pen.I imagined that it may have brought about one pen considering my trust since past not many years.I bought another Montex Pen and same thing reoccurred as 3/fourth amount of the pen was useless.Therefore, I chose not to trust any longer now in Montex Pens
Awful pen
Montex clasic is raugh to compose not adaptable raurty snazzy grife is so raugh tip of the refile exceptionally free
Excessively old
I tried to avoid this pen despite the fact that it composes without a hitch yet it is old design and not upscale by any stretch of the imagination. It is normal pen.