Kenny Loggins has one of the most soothing voices I have ever heard. I have enjoyed his music since the early 80s and Footloose. More Songs From Pooh Corner is just one more great CD to add to my collection. This CD has many familiar songs that we know and love. It also has a couple that are new to us.
- Your Heart Will Lead You Home--
The song you can hear in The Tigger Movie. This song made your heart reach out to poor Tigger as he went through his many struggles. It was written and sang by Kenny Loggins and is a beautiful dedicating song.
- Youll Be In My Heart--
A song youd recognize from the movie Tarzan. It was written and by Phil Collins and sang by Phil and Glenn Close for the movie. It is a beautiful song about letting someone go, but, at the same time, letting them know youll always carry them in your heart.
- Always, In All Ways--
This is a song that reminds me of how precious time is. My 9 year old is half thru his life with me. It all went by so quickly and soon he will become an adult, facing the world without the aide of mom and dad. I never thought that This day would come When wed have to say Goodbye But now that youre on your own Whenever you need a home Ill be there inside you Always, In All Ways. It makes me cry just to think that my job is half over with my first baby.
- Flying Dreams--
This is sung beautifully and a duet performed with Olivia Newton-John. What a gorgeous combination of voices. It is a soothing lullabye that gives a child hope. Love it seems made Flying Dreams So hearts could soar A sweet lullabye that my daughter loves to sing to her Pooh.
- Thatll Do--
I had never heard this song until I purchased this CD. It is beautiful. Whenever you find yourself in the middle of a storm And youre tired and cold and wet And youre looking for a place that s cozy and warm Youll make it if you never forget A kind and steady heart Can conquer doubt and fear A little courage goes a long long way Gets you a little further down the road each day And before you know it Youll hear someone say Thatll do, babe, thatll do. What inspiring words to tell anyone! This powerful song was written by Randy Newman.
- Turn Around--
This song makes my eyes just tear up. I look at my baby girl and my 2 boys and I realize how true this song really is. Turn around and youre grown. This song is, again, one that I had never heard before, but one that I wish had been a part of my life when my first child was born.
- Beauty and the Beast--
A song title, Im sure, you recognize. Kenny Loggins sings this song beautifully. The music for The Beauty and the Beast was written by Alan Menken and the lyrics by Howard Ashman.
- Baby Mine--
Youll recognize this song from the movie Beaches. In the movie, it was sung by Bette Midler. It was can also be heard in the movie Dumbo. It is a song that is perfect for those moments when a childs feelings have been hurt and the words just cant be found. As parents, we often muddle through the tough times, maybe we should allow music to assist us.
- The Inch Worm--
This was a song I remember singing as a child. Im happy to hear it again.
- Hana Aluna Lullabye--
This is a song that Kenny Loggins wrote after visiting Hana, Hawaii. He fell in love with this city and later named his daughter Hana. It is a beautiful dedication to his child.
- Goodnight--
This is a song that was originally sung by Ringo Starr on the Beatles White Album. Kenny Loggins duets with Alison Krauss on this CD and perform it wonderfully. A beautiful song to rock a baby to sleep with.
This is a very beautiful album. One that I share with my children as often as I can and one that my children request. It is also a great CD to pop in when you need to unwind and just want to relax after the day is finished. My children recommend this CD and will tell you it is one that they enjoy dancing to.
*More Songs from Pooh Corner is the 2nd in its series. Kenny Loggins also has a CD entitled Return to Pooh Corner, which I also own and love. Check them both out, theyre worth it.