This store is very close to my home and it is very convenient to get everything in one place.But the challenge I face is while going towards the store. Outer Ring Road is always very busy with fast moving traffic. I have seen so many people including me cross the speeding traffic road everyday and then return with the heavy grocery bags and cross the same road. It is quiet a challenge and sometimes it makes me feel to look for an alternative than rather risk my life all the time and go to More.
I feel as a recommendation to build a skywalk bridge for people to cross the road safely and return with their groceries from More. I believe more than 75% of the people who shop from More are from local(Marathalli) and live on the other side. So I think making an initiative to build a skywalk there will defenitely boost their business.
Also I think if there is a option to shop online and have it delivered at home should also be thought of.
Some initatives should be taken to improve the billing system as I have experienced server being down many a times and ended up being waiting in the queue.