NEVER BUY MORPHY RICHARDSThe nightmare began when I bought a Morphy Richards Sandwich maker (Toast, Waffle, Grill) in Jan’13 which soon enough broke down in Feb’13. I lodged a complaint with the customer care (No.2220714, dt.10 Feb’13). After several calls the techie drops in twice. First to ‘check’ the fault and later to collect for repairs. That was the last I saw or heard of the appliance.
In an absolute horrendous display of high handedness and false promises, the company has absolutely failed to deliver on its warranty obligations. Numerous calls to the customer care only provides me with more phone nos. of more people nobody of which delivered. I was kept waiting by one Mr. Deepak at the service centre who later said the product will be tagged and replaced after keeping me waiting for the spares to arrive. Later one Mr. Madan promised to resolve it only to disappoint time and again. Enter Mr. Abhishek , the ‘Area Manager’ who says will get it replaced in 4-5 days. After waiting for more than 2 weeks and calling him repeatedly, he says the replacement has arrived and he will send by tomorrow, which needless to say takes another 3-4 days. Incredibly , after calling him again and again, he claims that even the replacement is broken. Mr. Madan confesses that there is a problem with that model and it breaks down easily!! Mr. Abhishek meanwhile again promises to get another replacement but hasn’t fulfilled on his promise till date. Worse still, feigns ignorance every time I call him and I have to update him of my identity and complaint every time that I call him despite having spoken to him at least a dozen times.
In a nutshell, the company has made away with a one month old sandwich maker neither repairing nor replacing making it look like a theft case fit enough to pursue with the consumer court and the Police also.
The idea is to air this complaint on as many forums and plarforms as possible so as to desist people from buying Morphy Richards and making them aware of the fraudulent company and the even worse workforce. I say again ‘NEVER BUY MORPHY RICHARDS’
New Delhi