When I go through the reviews of mosquito coil, including this MORTEIN one, I am deeply distressed by the misleading comments, which, In my humble opinion, misleads us.
The mosquito coil is a major sales force in mosquito repellant industry. This Mortein uses one of the deadliest of the pesticides. Remember that the fume which kills mosquitoes is the same one you are inhaling for almost throughout the night.
Almost all mosquito coils violate the pesticide act by not including usage warnings and first-aid instructions on their pack. Mortein is not an exception and they also cooly violate it.
For mosquito menace, The best thing is natural remedies. Second option is to use a body cream (like odomas). Atleast nothing goes inside your system, though the cream may cause inconvenience. Never, Never use Coil. This is the deadliest form of protection.
This coil is dangerous and should not be used by (a) Carrying mothers and (b) Infants. Other persons with asthma should use it sparingly. Always wash your hands after handling the coil. Dont keep the coil in the kitchen.
In due course, You become allergic to this fume or develop serious respiratory problems.
If you have to use it, Light the coil and close the room for a full half an hour. (dont stay in the room). Then open the room and leave it for an hour. Then you sleep with the room wide open. Keep your bedroom as much as obstacle free. Mosquitoes will gladly hide in all these places (heep of clothes, bookshelf etc).
No authentic study has been done on the effects of mosquito coil.
But, I have seen and experienced that there is always the better natural solution available. Almost all of the users are ignoring the many many natural alternatives Like neem smoke, citronella oil etc to this poisonous coil.
Keep a tulsi plant or neem plant near the window. Use neem oil on the body thoroughly. Burn lemon grass etc.
Burn a lamp with neem oil in the room. Burn a coconut shell and put camphor and neem crushed power or citronella power. I can personally vouch that these will drive away even aggressive mosquitoes.
Use a wire mesh around the windows. Close the bed room before 3 pm when the mosquitoes start their evening work.....
Do you know that bats are the most effective way to prevent mosquitoes. Bats eat their weight of mosquitoes / larvae every single day. We have now killed almost all the bats in urban habitations. Bats are the reason why our forefathers enjoyed mosquito free outside living... (States like Texas are now constructing bridges doubling as bat habitats). You can get a bat-shelter custom made to be used at your backyard. Search the web for details.. :-)[Hey, dont laugh at me for all these!]
And many more methods which I will mention separately (to make this review short)
I just wanted to highlight this point and warn against coils.