Motherhood Hospital at Indranagar, Bangalore is a very good maternity hospital.
Consulting charges: Rs.350/-(The charges may change. Valid for 6 days)
Scanning charges : Ranges from Rs.800/- to Rs.1200/-(depending upon what type of scan it is)
NST : Rs.600/-(NST is done after week 36 in every visit)
Prefer: Dr. Vijayalakshmi(excellent Doctor and not money minded).
Avoid: Dr. Venkat(pediatric for new born).
We visited this hospital when my wife was about 6 months pregnant. The reason for choosing this hospital was that it was about 20min drive from the place I stay. I liked the hospital in my first visit and we choose Dr. Vijayalakshmi. She is an excellent Doctor and gives so much confidence to both the parents in every visit. She is not money minded and does not scare the expecting parents. Dr. Vijayalakshmi will try for a normal delivery and will never go for a c-section until it is a risk to the mother or baby. My wife had many complications in her pregnancy until the last day and she had a normal delivery. We in fact requested for a section, but Dr. Vijayalakshmi refused(she said that my wife can and will have a normal delivery and she will not do a section). Finally it was a normal delivery and we were home in less than two days after my baby was born.
My wife used epidural anesthesia which reduces 80-90% of the pain an is very safe. Ask Dr. Vijayalakshmi for more information
The hospital staff are very nice and polite. The lab facilities are good and the scanning room is absolutely neat and clean. The hygiene factor in Motherhood is well maintained. On the other hand you can find only female nurses in all the floors, female house keeping staff and even the food is served by a females. This is something which makes everyone feel very comfortable. There are 3-4 men in night shift, but they do not enter the rooms.
The third floor LDR staff(who help in the delivery) are excellent. There are always 2-3 expert nurses constantly monitoring the progress. The labor rooms are very good and they allow the husband inside the labor ward.
Something I would like to mention about the pediatrics department. Never ever select Dr. Venkat. Dr. Venkat is the worst pediatric I have ever seen in my entire life. There have been 3-4 instances in my friends circle and even it happened to me where he tells the same story to the parents(that the baby has gulped some liquid, breathing is not proper.) and does several tests on the new born who is not even hrs old:(. Gives the new baby antibiotics, IVF etc. and he really scares the parents telling that the baby has XYZ issues. I suggest you select Dr. Suresh as pediatric who is very well qualified and an expert pediatrics. Dr. Suresh makes us feel so much better and a very nice and soft spoken person.
The hospital has a package for both normal delivery and for a c-section. 99% of the cost is included in the package. Only if the they have to use some additional medicines, then it will be added to the bill(not more than Rs.2000/-) so dont worry much about it.
You are most welcome to contact me here on mouthshut if you need any further information. Happy parenting:)