HI Friends,
I am here to recommend a great product which I recently purchased. Its MOTOROLA 1200 alias MOTOMING... People who prefer style surely and perfmance wont hestitate to pick this one from the shelf right away without any hesitation...
After using it for a month now I thought it is not right to keep my MOUTH SHUT and I finally decided to write a review here... PRiced at 16500+ this is a cool gadget that everybody would prefer to have..
It has a touch screen which responds to the minute touch and it also comes with 512MB card which adds on to the attraction..
The design is simply superb, the transparent front cover surely makes heads turn towards you.. It is surely not fragile as it might look.. Its pretty hard... so no need to worry that it would break or get scrachted... Pack also has a carrying pouch.. WOW....
Also u can read messages access camera change profiles Access real player without opening the front panel, which makes things much easier...
NOw about the camera.. the picture quality is too good when compared to the other 2 megapixel cameras available in Nokia N series and sony... The superbright screen adds on to its beauty..
NOw comes the cons:
Very few in the section:
Speaker volume is low. but the headset thats provided with the pack will make up for it..
Battery is not as good as Sony W series.. It can last for one whole day.. thats it..
Moto ming = Style+Performance...
Nothing to beat it...