For once I agree with the critics that formula 1 is boring.though I am a great fan of the ferrari number one driver michael schumacher, I am disappointed to name him as the culprit for making this season(i.e.2002)s championship the most boring of the ones I have watched. He may be the best driver in the world at present or maybe ever, but he & ferrari are taking away the charm of F1. Add to that their team tactics have added to peoples frustration all over the world.
The 2002 f1 championship started off well with even competition coming from williams drivers and mclarens. It was neck and neck in the first five gps. Thats when ferrari started their was fun to watch ur favourite stars win race after race. but soon the results became very predictable.
There has been lot of talk in the recent past of changing rules to make f1 very competitive. The idea seems to be good but it is only till next year we have to see whether the ideas are implemented or not. If its implemented it is worth the wait I would say.what about u guys?