I was looking for a PDA cum phone on a tight and happened to find A768i on the net. After exhaustive comparisons with competing models, decided this is the phone for me, Four months on, I still dont regret that decision.
For the fuctionality it provides, the product is pretty sleek. There are no analog buttons to use except for Power and Home buttons. The touch screen can be used with the provided stylus or with your fingers. Handwriting recognition works pretty well once you are used to it. The display is good, but it could be better when viewed in sunlight. Applications built into the phone are mostly feature complete unless you are looking to edit office files like excel or word. Built-in picsel browser does a good job of displaying them anyway. In my four months of usage, the phone is yet to hang om me.
Dont go for this phone if you are looking for a camera or mp3 player capabilities. Though the built-in mp3 player , is FANTASTIC the lack of memory expandability makes it woefully handicapped. The camera with 320x240 res is as good as non-existant.
Overall this is a good phone. I give a 8 out of 10. Lack of memory expandability cost it 2 points