SHER’S review on Moto C155
Introduction : Most of the people do not go for Motorola because its operating system is a little bit difficult to operate. But I didn’t find any difficulty in operating my sisters C155. Its operating system is same as Nokias. It is a good and small phone for students. The price of this phone is also very low when compared to Nokia 2600, 1110 and Sony ericsson t230 and t290i. It costed me about 2850 with guarantee and bill. I am very satisfied with this phone. Below I am describing its features and specifications and drawbacks.
Features :
It has a good colour LCD screen.
It has very good polyphonic ringtones than Nokia.
The MYMENU option is very interesting.
It is a dual band phone.
The sound quality is very good.
There is no signal problem.
There are very good screensavers and wallapapers.
It has GPRS and WAP facilities.
The refreshing shape is excellent.
The four way navigation key makes the operation very easy.
Battery talktime is good. Once charged for two hours it remains for at least 5-6 days.
It has got good SMS and EMS facility.
Polyphonic tones, screensavers and wallpapers can be downloaded.
Drawbacks of this phone :
It has no JAVA applications.
Buttons are a little bit small and hard to push.
No games can be downloaded.
Does not support monophonic tones.
It gets heated up within 5 minutes of conversation.
No panels are available for this phone.
No FM.
No hands free speaker.
Specifications :
Form Factor - Candy Bar
Volume : 79 cc
Weight : 89 g
Dimensions : 104 x 49 x 24
Display Type : 96 x 64, 4K Colour
Integrated Antenna
Although all these drawbacks this piece is good for ringers and SMS ers . Its got all the features for the price you are paying for it.