My very first mobile was a Siemens (dont exactly remember the model, but it was a black one with the old-fashioned small antenna). It was some 10 -12 years back, when the easily available Escotel conncetion had a whopping Rs. 9.50/- rate per minute; and the incoming call was charged at Rs. 4.50/-. :). I used the set for about 3 years, and then switched over to Nokia. The Siemens didnt trouble me a bit, and eventhough it was a base model, all the available features in it were FLAWLESS.
My Nokia was also quite perfect, and I had no issues with it, eventhough it took some abuse from me unknowingly (it had fallen into a bucket of water, and still had no major problems, except a small display line failure, which was very much forgivable).
Now, my bad days began when I bought the Motorola C 261, as the Nokia had got pretty old, and there was some problem with its battery (didnt had to change that superb battery even once on its entire lifetime). So i decided to buy a new one, and if possible, a camera version. I zeroed in on Sony Ericsson K 510i, and few Nokia models, and thus headed to the showroom, Quilon Radio Service, at Trivandrum.
On reaching the showroom however, I was taken away by some other models that were not on my choice list, and this included the "dreaded" C261 that iam carrying painstakingly (why im still carrying it is coz it hadnt finished its warranty period of 1 year, and still had two major complaints).
Yes, agreed that it cost me only Rs. 3900/- at the time of purchase, as there was some festival offer going on then; but very soon had I realised how the Motorola is far from quality, when compared to the Finnish Nokia or the Siemens. Problems began when I noticed that the phone was TOO SLOW in response. Only about 3 months had been completed, and the set was too slow and needed some two to three keystrokes to get a character typed. That was the only compliaint then, but sooner it took hell lot of time in getting even some small photos ive stored in it to open.
I initially thought that it would be due to memory problem, as C261 was just a base model; but the fact that the pics took only minimal KBs, and still the problem alarmed me about the technology that the Americans were using on it.
First real problem began when one fine morning, after battery charging, the cell became completely BLANK!!! Yes, total blackout, as if there was some problem with the battery. But when given for repair, the guys told that it wasnt a battery problem, and that something was wrong with the software. It took them 3 days to fix the problem, which they told was not an issue.
When I got the set back, and after just 2 days, the camera boycotted. It gets stuck while being selected, and if the "Capture" button is pressed accidentally (even if the screen is blank), the phone becomes stuck for hours....
I was too busy with my work and didnt bother to reach out for service, as I rarely use the camera. But now problems are aggravating, and the latest issue is that the Backlight, which ive scheduled for just 5 sec after a call, is always ON!!!! this drains the already poor battery, and in every keystroke, the damn thing gets STUCK!!!!
It took just 9 months for me to realise how poor a model is C261, or may be how poor Motorollas are in terms of quality..So my advice to all friends (in India) are... NEVER GO BY ADVTs!!!!!
Abhishek may be holding a MotoRazr or MotoSliver or whatever they may show....but the Quality really SUCKS...
Really poor Motorolla....If they arent able to assure the quality of even base models with minimum features, how can one trust a higher end Moto which may cost some 15 or 20Ks???? Or are they dumping the inferior ones to the Indian market???? or Arent they concerned with quality checks and Quality Assurances of the Motos that are produced outside the US???
Whatever be the issue, for me the Moto really SUCKS!!! I will never ever recommend a Moto to even my most bitter enemy!!!!