I bought this phone about 3+ years back. It works fine as a basic phone. The FM radio is an extra feature which works perfectly. The FM radio sounds very good with nice bass with the original headset given with the headset.
I have dropped this phone more than 1 time. Now after more than 3 years the last time it fell down half of the screen has blacked out. But no complaints at all because it served me 3 years. I did not even expect it to work so fiine for so long.
The phone book has an extra field called "Note" where you can store an email adress or just some note of the contact, which I found to be useful.
The phone has a ring tone composer too. Which I tried but couldnt compose any tune. It might be useful for musicians.
I see only one draw back. The recieving sound is not that loud. But works fine in a quite environment. Only at noisy places its hard to hear. It is a good buy as a basic phone and with FM radio at its price.