C168 is great value for money!
Irs better than any other phone in its price range from Nokia or LG.
In the very first month I browsed for 17MB of wallpapers themes and ringtones.
GPRS reception is fair and also an option for not showing wap images so that it amy be fast.
Just go to MYMOTO shortcut on the web bookmarks and youll get free stuff thier from motorola.
The sound reception and Quality for FM is quite good and clear also.Phonebook has 600 entries plus u can save e-mail and other notes such as address/birthday with the entry.
One thing I found absurb is that u cannot change FM radio station with the headset button !!!
But thats the only downpoint in this set. Overall Ill say this is the best time to buy a personal handheld device that is as simple as that, coz in future we may see mobile phones as attachments to our clothes or weared as rings.