This is the First mobile I bought in my life .earlier I was using a Reliance LG CDMA Mobile. I bought it from a shop in Jogeshwari fro Rs 3100.Actual price is Rs 2990.but I paid extra because it was not in marker that time.its the third week.i tried and test all the features in this mobile.very satisfied with this mobile.
this one giving the all features with in the cheap price range.features includes:-
Poly phonic ringtones.
Colur display
300 address entries.(may be more not sure)
MMS Facility
Gprs and WAP enabled
9 hrs of charge.
Ring tone are crisp and clear to hear but there is one pros you cant assign ringtone to indivitual no .you can assighn to a group.
Colur display is good and clear for normal viewing .
You can send and receive mms and you can insert template in your messages.
you can use browser easily using the wap, GPRS.but speed of the browser is little slow I think.
At last the FM.the reception is not up to the best but the Sound quality of the Earphone is best in the business.
You can even compare this onw with the nokia 6600 but only drow back is that it doesn;t have a camera.
This will be a neibours envy owners pride mobile..............................
Go for it , if you can spend Rs2990.................