This one is not a Thorough Review....I have just ranked these on the basis of 4 criteria.........
[1] BLUETOOTH : k700i -- 6230 -- E398.
[2] CAMERA: 6230 -- E398 -- k700i.
But you have to consider that the Nokia 6230 is a waste of a camera because of the smaller display. 6230 is a very good phone, but
the smaller size of the display spoils it all. I mean , who wants to take pictures or videos on such a tiny display??
So Id say, actually, E398 -- 6230 -- k700i. The reason k700i comes last is because of the piss poor quality at night and low light
conditions. You have to see the interference in the pictures to realise the poor quality.
The E398 does not have video recording, but the display is the best, equal to the k700i, and the camera is better than the k700i in low
light conditions. Plus it has STEREO speakers !! The best damn speakers on any phone in the market !!
[3] MP3 TONES AS RINGTONES: No contest ! E398 with stereo speakers --------- k700i ---- 6230.
[4] BATTERY: 6230 --- E398 ------ k700i .