I knew going in this was primarily a watch for running and not for other activities ( e.g. biking) . I am still disappointed. The distance calculations are off by quite a bit - a routinely see an error of about 0.1 miles per mile I run. So a 3 mile run is recorded as a 3.3 mile run. Along with that the mile pace is off. The fastest pace achieved during a run is ridiculously inaccurate.
I normally run around a 10 minute pace, but I routinely achieve a 4 minute pace according to this watch. The other day I was out for a 40 minute run and the watch paused itself at 32 minutes. I was wearing a light long sleeve shirt which was over the watch, but that shouldnt have been enough to cause it to pause. Today I went for a 40 minute run and couldnt get the thing to stop when I completed the run. I had to power down the watch and then I lost the whole run.
And then there is the band - which broke today. Probably my own fault as part of my frustration trying to stop the recording of my run. Wait for the next generation. or get a real running watch. I think that is what Im going to do.