This review from my motorola e4 ??. Generally I very much fond of those phone which has extra battery backup, big memory storage, unbreakable glass, and obviously good selfie in dim light and a affrotable price. Well all features in one product is not possible with a limited price tag.
My best for my comfort zone.16gb upto espend memory.2gd ram for gaming and led flash for both camera side.and easy to handle .
I am the person who rested for 7hours and my phone also does.for this limited some time its getting hot.but I am not afraid of blasting as my brother always do with MI.
Moto extremely powerfull glass.that 2year till now I didnt use gorila glass its pda slide broken but awsome working .but I suggest for companies manufacturer for our next generation the to increasing storage and battery capacity for long lasing uses.
At the end I must say its a very good product with a good quality.thank you