This moto g3 ranks the best phones
this has the same sensor as in the one plus one, nexus 6 .and it even takes a lot better pics than my brothers iphone6.
this phone is better than the moto g turbo .cuz the camera quality on g turbo is not even comparable to the original moto g3 .
moto g3 has an excellent speakers .its lot better when compared to my hp pavillion and lenovo lapptops
display is the best in class .eventhough its 720p resolution screen this display is way brighter than the lenovo k3 notes display .
plus this moto g3 supports even 64 and 128 gb memory cards .right this moment I use a 64gb samsung evo plus class 10 uhs3 card .
this phone never heats up .heating in phones happen when temperature exceeds 43 or 45 deg celcius for long time .i dint notice above 40 c .
saving the best for the last .the battery is uncomparible .its the best best best .not a single negative abt battery .easy full day charge with a single charge .even wit heavy use and wifi all time .
4g reception is excellrnt .
there is many silly problems here and there which can be solved by a reboot ofthe device .
sometimes 4g can consume .more battery when used for a very long time .
the performance is impressive .its the reason .why I chose this as a primary phone .even though I have a s6 .
marshmallow is running excellent on this device .some people complain abt battery issue and lags after update its bcuz of the old dalvanik cache and cache and former data .so a clean factory rest and clearing cache will do good .!
go by ur heart not by ur mind .