This is good phone with a tag of well known brand motorola. price is a little high as compared to the other smartphones that comes under the same budget.but camera quality is far better than the other brands like micromax, coolpad, infocus etc.i will give it a hi 5.go for it.Just go For Moto G 3rd gen yrr. As Asus nd Samsung have a very Heavy UI causing it to Slow down hang after use of 2-3 months.
Nd I must Remind you that we are Taking about Android Lollipop® 5.1. Motorola smartphone will give you a totally Pure nd Different Feel than any other cuz its UI is Pure. As Samsung nd Asus have there Customised UI which is As Ugly as KitKats UI.
So if u r not a Fool Ull understand it. nd Go for the Moto G 3rd Gen.
And I must tell you that as long as Ill live Ill Buy only Motorola Smartphone.6.0 update will be coming by december