Motorola comes back in india with this mobile in november 2013. Moto g is the game changer for motorola. This mobile becames very popular after its launch because at that time no mobile phone is available in the market as moto g. Motorola launch the mobile at almost 13k.
The main reason of the popularity of this mobile is its price and features. In 2013 the features of this mobile is top notch. In 2013 this is the best selling mobile in india. I bought this mobile in feb 2014. I am still using this mobile and it is working properly.
It runs very good. No hangs. Its running on lollipop 5.1 which is very good os. The mobile is perfect for one hand use. The screen size is perfect for me. I do not tell the specifications here because all are know the specifications of this mobile because of its popularity : ) Now the manufactur of this mobile is stopped by motorola because its bigger brothers are already in market i.e 2nd nd 3rd gen. In the end I would say that this mobile is my all time favourite because its durability, features, battry life etc. Many of people in india is still using this mobile and they are all happy like me. Thanks