With Moto Razor V3i & other latest models V3 is somewhat out beaten by the same company but not by the other companies. It has an amazing design yet easy to use. My brother bough me this wonderful cell phone from NZ when it was not yet launched in the market. I felt so special when people use to envy me or use to wonder where to get it from & people who were jealous use to say ’we have not heard good reviews about it on the internet’. The feeling was very good. Its been more than 2 years now that I am using the same cell . I am not one of those who like to keep themselves always ’in’ by using latest cells, following trends, etc. I do & buy what I like to - its always good to be oneself than pretending to like something which everyone likes.
This life is mine & I intend to live it my own way. Ok, now to Mato Razor V3, its features are nice but the battery is a big problem. It does not lasts long & needs to be charged once or even twice in a day & this is a headache as I cannot rely on it if I had to travel out of city or when I had to stay away from office or home for a complete day. Still, no cell phone could be as attractive as this. Nokia did come up with its N series but the handsets are so bulky. Motorola needs to improve a lot on its battery back ups also.