Hi guys, bought this cellphone in 3rd week of Feb, as soon as it was came in India. so writtin dis review after a comprehensive study nd use of the handset.
Well, it comes in only one color as of now which is SILVER QUARTZ, it looks lik shades of grey wid many a black portions. nd dis is quite a stylish color, need not worry bout dat.
and one thing is already clear bout da moto razr that the looks are definately stylish and matchless. so lets talk about the other features.
some of the great features and deficiencies , includin the upgrades from v3, v3i :
1 256 mb flash external memory card (sandisk) + increased internal memory to 15 mb. forget about the space constraints on razr now.
2 1.23 Megapixel camera frm prev. VGA wid zoom upto 8x (i`m happy even wid 8x`s quality), video wid audio upto 4x zoom.
plus u hav a lot of options nd manipulations possible on camera lik takin picture in different shades, colors, b&w, varyin the ammount of exposure etc.
One button voice recording (though very limited memory for it plus u had to keep dat button pressed to record, dats ridiculous)
ITunes music player support. dats quite nd convinent a player. u can buy da music frm gprs`s apple site direcctly (havent tried yet though).
Superb display quality of both external as well as internal screen, improved from da prev. low in razr v3.
u can take pictures even when the flap is closed by lookin through the small external screen. dats quite kool.
superb pc sync. too many options , features like just copy sms from a word file nd it`ll be ready in urs outbox. plus songs t/f from itunes s/w from urs pc.
quadband. no worry in any corner of da world, whereever u may go.
some minor problems though
- there`s some hisking kinda noice comin frm da phone when da display is on (which is for initial one min while talkin) da sound is quite less but when in a silent place, its easily apparent. nd dats too bad to have such a engineering. I found so in old razr too.
dono give too much weightage to dis if buyin as it wont affect u while u wud be talkin as its just apparent when u just put it on urs ear.
ease of navigation is not very much.plus quite less a navigations options. i`m still unable to locate how to switch on da delivery acknowlegment of sms as a default feature. I enable it each time I send a sms.
cant create folders sub folders everywhere. plus we cant cut paste contents frm one folder to other (just copy paste). so 4get to hide urs secret pics nd videos ;)
dont have da seprate display of missed calls, they r just shown as unchecked ones in recieved calls. why need of such a compr yaar.
not very much a battery(2 days on average use) though u can spare motorola for dis as they had to accomadate a slim lite battery to match up wid da phone.
havin a flash , fm wud hav made it even more complete a phone. camera works gr888 in day but sulks in nite even in night mode.
I quita found call volume nd speakerphone volume a bit less even on its maximum value (music volumes r well sufficent). this gives some troubles if u had to hear the phone in a noisy place.
so definately quality of gud things r much more as compared wid bad ones plus da advantage of sexiest looks, I recoomend dis to be a have in da colllection (especially at just 14-15000bucks ), its quite a worth. do ask me if u want to clarify anything else too.
nd friends, do tell how u found da review as its my first review on da site.
thanx nd happy mobiling.....