I have been using this phone for last 20 months.
I bought this phone for its sleek look.
Battery holds reasonably well.
I dont like Motorolas phone software.
Menus doesnt look as sleek as the phones exteriors.
I did accidentally drop my phone few times.
It is still OK. It is pretty rugged.
Prior to this I had Samsungs flip phone.
I liked Samsungs phone software much better.
My next phone is either going to be iPhone or another Samsungs flip model with "edge" feature.
I am not going buy a Motorala phone again. I am done.
On a side note, I bought a flip LG phone for my wife. That was one of the worst piece of 10k phone youll find.
My overall advice is Stick with Nokia or Samsung.(My previous phones were from Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung)
Stay away from LG.:-)