Writing after a long time and it is only my second review.
I will be a critic here. Like I always bellow, good things of a branded product are already been advertised and then some more. Companies never advertise their faults, and by writing about the good things about any product, I would be eating up valuable space and time.
OK since I have bought a Moto-razr, let me not do an injustice by not telling the good things that it does carry.
It really looks good. I recently took a reliance connection as well, but I also kept my BPL connection since I couldnt let go of the Razr Looks. Its black and its sleek. The Price might have fallen from the respectable 35K, it sure gives any other 30K+ handsets serious competition in terms of looks. My verdict, it is the best looking handset that ever hit the market. A little more upgrade in the feature it sure will be a winner.
Well, why I dont like it.
Nice keypads, extremely nice. It is in fact Precision cut. Fell in love when I first saw it, and it was the keypad that attracted me the most. But believe me, it doesnt give much pleasure. It is quite uncomfortable using the Keypad. it sure doesn’t feel like a keypad and its hard writing SMSs.
The software. Try to add a name into the phone book entry and if you happen to forget writing the name in a hurry. If you press save before writing the name and the name gets stored without a name, your phone book conks out. You just cant access the phone book. Trusts me. My phones software had to be upgraded twice.
Otherwise it is pretty good. No other problems. I would have loved if they had a better picture viewing facility like full screen and rotate function for the picture. Even the blue tooth function, it only stays on for a minute and you have to connect to it within that minute otherwise you have to activate again. I dont know if there is another way of using it. I am not much of a tech geek.
Too wide. the phone seem too wide to me. I have got very large hands and palm to boot but the moto seem a bit to wide for comfort. They lack in width, they compensated in thickness though. The thickness or rather thinness is a technological marvel and I respect them for that.
The 4X zoom camera is just digital I guess. By this I mean that you are not actually zooming in on the picture but rather just expanding it on the screen. To look bigger and to look nearer is the difference. Try taking pick with zoom and try to fit that wall paper, you get rather bad result.
The memory. I feel greatly cheated. A great phone with great multimedia capability could do with some more memory than the non-expandable 5.5 MB. What will I do with a 5 MB memory? I had to get rid of all my MMS clips when I exchanged my 6600 for the Moto razr and I will never forgive Moto for that.
Battery life is pathetic. If I were to sell of my Moto, it would be for want of a better battery. You cant talk for half an hour on that phone before the bat conks off. I cant be lugging around my charger. Should learn a thing or two from Nokia with regards the BAT. For someone whose mobile bill comes to above 5K, Moto razr makes a pathetic talk. That was another reason for my second phone.
But lookwise, I am still keeping it.