You got to admit the MOTO RAZR V3 has style!!!.
After using the phone for some time ive started to believe the advertizers version that Abhisheks ad was inspired by a true incident!!!!. It does make heads turn. Im in awe of the flip.....and the razrrrrrrr sharp look .....It does give u an edge in style.
Already tested the entire range of features, happy with most of them. U got web access, messaging/mms etc at convenient places for fast reach.
The 4 way navigation key with center select makes browsing the phone quite easy.
The sound reception, quality of speakers etc are good.
The moto tones are great to hear.
Bluetooth is excellent.
The battery backup ...u need not charge for 2 days.... ok...ok.. 1&1/2 day...
The best part is accessing the web ..the interface is kewl u feel ur on top of the world as u can be connected to content on the move and at a pretty fast pace. the wallpapers and videos are also worth mentioning.
The interface when u connect it to your lap top via Bluetooth/or cable is a!!!! u can see why mots has moved to a different league in terms of sleek and sexy feel.... Its got the look and ease of use exactly right.
Now talk of the synchronization, connecting ur laptop to the net via single click, sms/mms, call...image and video downloads to ur pc or editing it and transferring it on to ur phone...the interface is the best ive seen so far... u can virtually see a sleek phone on ur lap top and do almost anything with it....
Now for the downers......
The camera is ah...huh.....ah....huh... a camera...XYZ megapixels ( ive got to check out the no. of M pixel) but at times I do not understand why the images look dull. (dont tell me cause its my image!!!!)......The video capturing and playback is
but the worst part is u don’t have FM...Man how can u sleep at night without your dose of radio mirchi....sakkat hot maga????.....its a real let down!!!!!
The office application is fine...only part is your appointment calendar that could have been made slightly more easy to use....
ok guys my final advice: if u don’t mind not hearing ur favorite radio station....and fine with carrying ur own charger (mot chargers are only for mots.... u cant grab ur mates nokia charger!!!!)
GO FOR IT..... on after thought...don’t go for it......too much style can be bad for ur health;
statutory warning!!!!!!!! look what its done to poor Abishek!!!!!!!!