This model was on my wishlist for nearly six months!
Finally got a hold of it. Beautiful finish. Thin for its time, but now its the same thickness as the Nokia 8800.Looked nice in silver, would look amazing in black.
The buttons on the side of the phone were sadly in plastic, which for me seemed to mar the overall look and feel of the model.
The screen is beautiful to behold, with that lovely scratch resistant sheen to it.
Once I switched it on, thats where my worries started!
The UI icons are the same size as those on the C650, no difference. Featurewise, there is a huge gap between the two, but sadly, this does not reflect on the user experience :(
The problem, similar to the Samsung D500, is that the icons are too big
With hardly 3MB of space, it aint much value for money, but hey, with looks this good, who cares right? I do!
The bluetooth functionality was passable.
Motorola still got quite some time to go before they reach Nokia. They still seem to forget that style goes with Substance, no matter how great the style!