Hai hii guys this is Yashwant Dadhich.Today I am going to tell u about a really a great phone called moto x play its is the new series of "x" which moto launches it is a very interesting series which I have till now seen in motorola.It really have a great features in it according to me it u buy moto x play it is equal to buy an iphone just difference is that moto is an android and iphone is a ios and rest of the features are same. So lest go in to the detail of the moto x play
Display:- Its display is 5.5 full HD display
Storage:- There are two modes of storage one is 16 gb and the other is 32 gb
Android Version:- First it will come with 5.0.1 lollipop and then later it will get update of 6.0.1 Marshmallow
Camera:- front camera is 5mp and rare camera is 21 mp with slow motion recording feature
Special Feature:-Its have a voice recognizing software when u can operate your phone without touching it
Price:- 16gb model= 17, 000 32gb modal= 18, 000 hai guys I am also a moto x play user