Motorola appears to have the right mix of hardware and software in what it brews, while keeping aside the gimmicks that only add to the cost.
The Rs 31, 999 new Motorola flagship Moto X is another example of Motorolas smart pricing. The new Moto X(second-gen) comes with 16GB of storage and is available in three variants - regular black, black leather, and bamboo white.The new Moto X may have a beautiful display with a frontal speaker, but what attracted me in the first place was its bamboo rear shell, which makes the phone appear both classy and quirky at the same time. Its curved back, making the phone thinnest on the edges and thickest in the middle, makes it easy to grip the phone, but its mammoth 5.2-inch display takes away the ease of operating the phone with a single hand - something that is a deterrent in most large-screen phones. Adding to its beauty is a metal frame that wraps around the phone - separating the bamboo back from the front that is white in colour.