I Got This Baby for 18k in Blore definitely its not a love at first sight phone like the Ming but definitely you will fall in love once the mobile comes to life. The intuitive GUI will definitely get ur neighbours attention. The wonderfull part is its great touch screen whic is very sensiive to your hands. And got a stylus also for those PDA users but doesnt have aextra stylus like the ming unless you are prone to lose one. The response time Too quick and the Linux OS is too good in doing that.
Coming to feautires it has a task launcher menu at the bottom of the screen which is customizable with apps of your choice and it has got a Screen 3 Which can be configure for RSS feeds. It comes with a 1 Gb Micro Sd card and the lovly part is the mobile can be charged using your data cable of course there is a charger provided. It Comes with a USB 2 Support and bluetooth is too good and the handsfree jack in the phone is a regular 3.5 mm one so you can use it with any regular audio system.
Coming to Cons: 1.No IR(Who needs) 2.Bit expensive 3.people with large fingers wll have problems with menu 4.frequent SMSrs will have a hard time Battery Life is pretty decent with 7 Hrs talk time and Lot of Feauters to say .. I would say Go For it >. you will Fall In Love ..Too Soon.