This review is about MotoRokr EM325. Could not find the exact model, so putting it under this as this seems to be the closest.
Anyway, bought this model about a couple of months back and below is summary of its features:
*Good things about this model:
*- Look and style is a plus. Primarily bought it becasue of this
Why it sucks:
Now this a long list.
It is NOT a tri-band phone. The sales executive from Sangeetha(forum) blatantly lied about this(and some other features) to me. So better avoid that store also.
Poor battery backup. The battery dries out within a day even if you talk for just 30 mins in total
It has the album slideshow feature but can not open jpeg pictures
It took me 2 weeks to get it connected with MPT(the useless customer care team of motorola could not solve the problem, there is a bug in the software and there is a workaround which I found from a blogsite)
Even if you are able to connect with MPT, you cant synchronize the calender!
Sound output is pathetic and they claim that this phone for music lovers!
And, most importantly, the customer service is just HORRIBLE. If you need any post-sales support, just forget it! The phone I bought had multiple manufacturing defects and it is in the service centre for more 3 weeks now and they are not able to fix it but they wont give me a replacement either. And, if you call their call center, they will just lie blatantly(they take 5-6 days just to reply and even after sending multiple reminders) and say that there is no problem with the handset. They are the CHEATERS!
I believe that Nokia and other brands are much better, reliable, durable, and have better customer support than Motorola and this brand should be avoided. These people will create flashy nice-looking mobiles which just wont work and they just don;t have the infrastructure or intent to provide support.