This review regarding motorola pluse 2 wired headset.
It is very good headset for laptops and also for mobile phone.
Sound quality is very good and you will not get bored while playing song.
it has 3.5 MM jack to listen song.
Frequency of this headset is 23000 Hz. it have mice also to talk on call.
The price of this headset is under Rs 800 so very good product from motorola.
you can buy this headset online and also from store.
It came in tow color option that is black and white.
Black color headphone is good for look.
Overall design looks good of this product. Value for money is good and you will get satisfaction when you perches this product.
It get 1 year warranty. it is very useful to carry while raveling. it take required less space in bag.
So good quality product from motorola.