Well well well..... I got this snoop in january and have to tell u am completely loving it. Its so good to go wire free its really nice.
U get the freedom to walk around with no strings attached ..And its damn stylish tooo..The sound quality is absolutly mind blowing. But the call quality could be better
I got it from motorola service station for 2, 200 Rs and its worth every penny...Its hard to find out side in mobile stores so I got it from the service center. It comes with 3 months warrnty and 3 diffrent sized ear buds....
And u can even pair with ur system with bluetooth dongle and watch movie from a distance which more comfortable and easy on ur eyes. Over all its a great value for money and cheapest in the market whic sound great. I will give it 8 /10 for sound quality(music)
call quality(6/10)
built quality (8/10)
design (9/10)