This mobile phone from motorola is good. I have been using this for around 2 years now. When this phone was the best available from the Motorola when I bought this. Its good one in terms of the ring tones the sound both in terms of number of default ring tones and the amplitude. Of course nothing (most of the things!) is so perfect and I am starting have some problems with this phone, which is making me think of going for another one now.
The problems are like, while charging some times it does not charge completely, this could be because the set is around two years old now and also some times when I call there is no response or any kind of ring tone heard but ultimately the call count starts and the call is wasted, when I ask the person I have called they say it rang and the tried to receive but could not hear any thing! I am not able to determine whether it is a fault of the Motorola T190 phone or the service provider.
Well the solution I have been using is to hang up within 2 seconds if I do not hear and ring tone of the called person, but this does not work always, and I end up wasting a call!
So what I suggest is this phone is good for use around 1 or 2 years, which I think would be case for most of the Phones!!!!