The Motorola V 551 no doubt is a stylish and good looking phone. It iswidely sold in the US and also has some real cool features (which alsoexist in other phones). However it is not long after you have bought itthat you realize your mistake.
I regret even to this day nearly 2 years after I bought the V 551 thatlife with probably a Nokia phone would have been a whole lot better.The reasons for my above statements are justified with the problems alot of my friends and myself have faced with this phone.
A) The phone used to drop a lot of calls midway. This is not a networkissue but a phone issue coz when I borrowed my room-mates nokia phoneand placed the call to the very same destination after being frustratedby my phone it worked like a wonder.
B) The phone used to freeze half way through some calls and the onlyway that one could get the phone back to work was to force the batteryout , re-insert it and then start all over again.
The above two issues forced me and a lot of others to get our handsetsreplaced between a period of 8 - 12 months after we first got it. Lookslike motorola had taken care of the above issues to some extent. Bothproblems A) & B) seems to be less existant thereafter.
However even to this day the signal reception capability and the audiofidelity of this phone is below average. There have been a lot ofinstances when I can hardly hear the person on the other end while thisdosent usually happen when I use a friends phone which is not the V551. Also the network signal is usually weaker on this phone ascompared to other phones. This is a general observation, it may notreally be an issue, I may be wrong if I insist that to be one of thedrawbacks.
Overall my experience is not satisfactory with this phone. Apart fromits cool looks I really dont see anything extra - ordinary that canembellish this product.