Motu patlu series is very popular comedy cartoon serial on nickdoneon channel. Every charactors of this cartoon are very funny and perfect.
Every episode have a Different story which is totaly full of comedy. Inspector Chingam is my favourate and his dialogue- chingum ke changul se bchna yampossible bole to yampossible produce lots of laughter. Intresting and amazing inventions of Dr. Jhtka creates problem every time. Characters of motu and patlu are amazing.
This serial mainly targets the small childrens but younger and even old people also watch it very much. This serial is incredibly full of humour. Every charcters of this series are well designed and animation is very nice.
Motu patlu is mood refreshing show, you can not remain sad if you start watching this show. Concept is very nice specially its title song is just awsome.
I you have not wached it before must go for it and I am sure you definately become the fan of it like me.