I know its a bit late to write a review about this one but I am afraid it has only just became on vision here in Turkey.
Anyway, briefly this a film of spectacular musical orchestrations and attractive camera views however, with a too much classical story with offering nothing much original...
If you are a Nicole Kidman fan you will be able to see her beauty with many visionary aspects.However it should be noted that she always takes the support of make-up and brilliant camera views and moves...
The story is a too classical one with a love triangle between a dancer(Satine, the sparkling diamond)of the monumental showworld Moulin Rouge, the poor scenario and poetry writer(Christian) and the cruel Duke...
Acted many times in many ancient movies, the story exactly offers nothing to you when taken merely for its basic structure.Certainly it has been coloured up with many additional factors like the music, wonderful camera technics and the arrangements...
The story flows in Paris in 1900;however you will realise that the Paris vision is a fiction not the real one.It seems the producer wanted to cut down the expenses and has chosen such a solution.That is why you wont be able to see the environment in details.The whole movie runs in 2 or 3 places which are indoors.Theres only 2 or 3 scenes that are outdoors neverthless filmed in fictionated locations.Daytime views could generally not be picked...
Generally noone in the film presents a monumental role playing but, the Duke is of attention with his extraordinary role of being the evil one...
According to me the most positive point of the movie was the selection of the songs and their arrangements and orchestrations.A pile of songs have been used varying from Nirvana, Queen to Nat King Cole...The main song is the magnificient slow song of Elton John Your Song.Please pay attention especially to this one.It has been used to express the love between Satine and Christian and even only those scenes that this song was played and acted, carry the film to the tops.One line of the song has been used as a quote throughout the movie which gives a special taste to it:How wonderful life is while youre in the world...The other song presented by Queen Show must go on too has been used just in its place and helps the scenario reveal one of the most signifficant points of the film in a fascinating way...
In summary, the movie has both positive and relatively negative points.The too classical story, the imaginary places and views composed generally of night time.Besides the positive ways that are Nicole Kidman, the good arrangement of the songs and dances and the beautiful camera technics and views...And of course the quotes that are carried throughtout the film are probably the most positive point.Here is the last one and perhaps the most beautiful one:The greatest thing you will ever do in life is, to love and to be loved in return...
P.S.Dont worry I havent forgotten rock rewievs...they are on the way...