Normal guys, wierd hairdos, doing stuff no one can possibly relate to, using language no one speaks in our country, a total waste of a commercial or .... is it?
I desist from writing reviews on soft drinks but in this case I could not stand by seeing this product take such a bashing and do nothing about it. All that I said in the first para does hold good but then it really wouldnt be fair if we did not look at the plus points too. The two advertisements with the animals both the desi and firang ones do have their own charm.
The cheetah bhi peetah hai has got quite a catchy sound to it and the way the advertisement was made was absolutely flawless. The whole idea was entertaining to say the least. Everyone knows that a cheetah doesnt guzzle the damn drink but the idea behind the ad was originally refreshing and shame on anyone that doesnt feel the same way.
The ones who think that watching and enjoying this ad makes them baboons ( god only knows what the connection is) deserve to be baboons. The second ad, that is the firang, one is truly a class apart superb special effects. The total nonchalance with which it is carried off is awe inspiring. If bonking heads with a Big Horn isnt entertaining or original then I ask, What is entertainment?.
A truly brilliant piece of work and people have the audacity to call it trash!! Am truly dumbfounded. Why do people have to lump an advertisement just because the product is not doing too well is beyond me.
I do agree with most of the detractors that the commercial in the boat is an absolute horror as is the one from the roof top. The choice of the models the weird outfits all do take away a lot from these ads but even so the good ones are classy and I for one fully endorse these ads. Do let me know how you feel about how I feel.