I have been drinking Mountain Dew since it came in the bottles with the Hillbilly on it. That is a long time. I remember when it first came out. It now is one of the more popular soft drinks . Mountain Dew is a Pepsi product, it is not a cola .
Mountain Dew has more caffeine in it and that is why it is so addictive. Years ago when my Mother In Law worked in a nursing home, I would take her to work and she would have her can of Mountain Dew in her hand. She told me that all the workers there drank it. Little did I know that I would one day be taking a can of it to work with me everyday. I buy this stuff in the cases. I love it.
Mountain Dew is made with concentrated orange juice and other natural flavors. There are no other soda pops on the market that I have found that have the unique taste, . There have been others that have tried to imitate it with the generic store brands but they have not come close. There is a 170 calories in a 12 ounce can of Mountain Dew, this is not a drink for the dieter. If you are a coffee drinker and need your caffeine and cannot get to the coffee, drink a can of this. It will perk you up and help you get through the rest of the day.
Mountain Dew is not a drink that most people can drink at night because of the high caffeine content. The only other soft drink that has more caffeine is Jolt. This is a drink that people either like or they dislike it. If you are a diet pop drinker you will not be able to tolerate the sweet taste that it has. The taste is compared to a citrus drink and that is because of the orange juice that is in it. It is the color of yellow when you pour it into a glass and is best served cold.