This is a review about mouth shut website. Earlier I found the reviews very interesting and I used to follow the reviews. Recently, I saw a very bad trend in reviews. Mouth shut is promoting wrong reviews and making wrong reviews review of the day, etc.
This is regarding Mahindra Rodeo. The whole world knows that Mahindra Rodeo failed in terms of mileage and they are making false promises regarding mileage and the service is poor. I recently saw one review saying Mahindra Rodeo is excellent and that review has been seen by 7000 people. I was one of the oldest reviewer of Mahindra Rodeo and my review got only some thousand odd views because mine is negative review. This clearly shows that mouth shut is getting money from companies and promoting positive reviews of companies.
This is corruption to core and cheating people who want genuine reviews. If mouth shut does not stop this, people will stop seeing mouth shut. It is for mouth shut to decide between people(consumer) and corporates.
Ravi Shankar Patro
India against corruption - activist and volunteer.