What do we do on MS?We just write reviews?No!Not at all!There is more to it!It`s not just that you write review, get them rated and get some comments!In community center you get so many awards like Best Debut, or your review is listed in Hot reviews and many other exciting things keep going on like contests!So as to communicate with others on MS and to know the latest happenings on MS, we have got COMMUNITY CENTER!
Reviews are not enough, you win exciting prizes in contests, you send your news, your reviews are listed in hot reviews and there are many other excting news about MS there!It`s a place where you can know, what are the other members upto or what is MS upto???So, in this way, community center is a very important part of Mouthshut.com!
In this section, you get to know about the latest contests on MS.If you win, you`ll definitely win prizes, and it`s not a lie or a wrong way to attract people to such contests.You are given, prizes, which you deserve.Just some days back, there was a JUST CHILL OUT CONTEST, in which one could write 5 reviews under the sports/entertainment categories!Well, the lucky winners were rekh(everybody`s favourite!Very well deserved.CONGRATULATIONS!), stungbyascorp(Nice reviews!Congratulations), bbvenkatesh(I read your reviews yesterday, and this prize is very well deserved), great_guns(Nice reviews!Well deserved!).In this way, you don`t only write reviews but also win exciting prizes!
Here, any member of Mouthshut can tell you, what is he upto.Like, if he/she has to go for a vacation, so he/she can`t write a review for somedays!Or one can tell about the latest happenings in their lives!This is an excellent way to discuss the lates happenings of your lives with other members of MS!The only thing is that not many latest news do we get here!This section isn`t regularly updated!There are so old dates, written on the top!However, it`s fun to read MEMBER NEWS!
This is somewhat similar to News&announcements, where you get to know about the contests, which are going on!Well, just some days back the JUST CHILL OUT CONTEST finished!Waiting for the upcoming contests!
The famous and popular writers are introduced in this section of HALL OF FAME!These are the hot`n`happening MS members like Cousin2, Suyog, rekh, premjit, vivekbp etc.Through this, you can get to read amazing reviews written by such amazing writers, on different topics!They write, entertain us and get famous day by day!
Every newcomer, has to be encouraged, so that he writes more and more reviews and becomes a famous MS writer.Every newcomer, is given this honor!Everyone, can write well, and have the potential to become a great writer!So, to appreciate those members, we have them in this BEST DEBUT section!Members like amjad_maruf or milind9x are listed here!
Mouthshut is all about reviewing!The reviews which make mouthsut an excellent plus a worth visiting website are listed here!These are the most hotnhappening reviews, written by great writers!These reviews are detailed, sometimes witty but there is no doubt, that they are always interesting!The only problem here is that, this section is also not regularly updated and so many days old reviews stay here!
Those who copy reviews from other sites, insult or abuse mebers/system are usually listed here!They are warned, not to do any such thing again!Mouthshut warns a member when he is given a blue spot whereas the red spot tells that the member`s access to the site is disabled!This is a punishment, for all the wrong things, members do on mouthshut, but we also have very talented writers on moutshut, so NO WORRIES!
These are the deleted members and we can`t even visit their profiles!The members listed here, basically use abusive language and their acts are not right!So, they are just deleted and this is the BEST WAY!
We ask for help, or we can complain the managment about someone!We can also discuss the problems we face on mouthshut!So, it`s easy for the members to get out of the difficulties, they are having at MS!
In this section, we can read messages from the CEO or Aarti Kapoor!No new messages lately.Also here we can read reviews by different members on advices on MOUTHSHUT!
So that the members of mouthshut.com can communicate, it is an excellent way to go to the COMMUNITY CENTER and know plus tell about the latest happenings!The only thing is that it is not regularly updated, still it is fun to check out the community center!