This is the best website for review your opinions at different items.
When I start this in last few days ago.
My friend dixith was reffer me to use and analyse data.
And explain about what is that like be.
Now im at beginners stage.
After some reviews I got Popular Stage.
In My View This is best service for reviewing and earning and sharing, etc.
The process of this software was earning by revieweing our thoughts.
In this software there are five stages are available.
1.Biginner badge
2.Popular badge
3.Category Expert badge
4.Celebrity Writer badge
5.Star Writer badge
this badges are given by doing the process on this website like a user was complete their profile and posted one review then. He/She was awarded by biginners badge to improve ourdata and updating our reviews then we was awarded by different badges.
And The Earning like given in MS points one MS point is equal to 1 rupee.
If write a review about positive of their company then we got 20 MS points for that type of review.
If we write Negative review of one company or item then we got 40 MS points for that type of review.
It is so smple but we write the review genuenly.
In My Thought this is a best site for earning.