I got to know about this website through one of my friends. Initially, it was very simple to write the reviews and to earn money. And more over people were writing their honest and true reviews. And even one of the best part was, if discover new product, you can add it to Mouth pad . and which was giving you 100RS and rest were 50. There was direct display of approval or disapproval of your review on your timeline page.
It was really very simple to understand and to handle the contest. But, later on this contest added even earning points for rating and commenting reviews. It is really getting difficult to check mail again and again regarding approval or disapproval of review. Plus if you are rating or commenting somebody’s review and later on, that review get rejected, Mouthshut even cut Points for that. This is what I’m experiencing. And even reviews are getting approved very late. Almost everybody facing problem with click button ‘‘request for transfer’’ even after adding their bank account details.