Mouth Shut::
I have been away for so long I cant find where to post an opinion. I dont even know how to leave a comment so I hope you will forgive me. I also cant see who rated this review.Time does move on and so will I and some day I will come back.
I dont even know how to make the bold or slanted type. I can see that you do it from the top but I dont know how.
I do think the new MS design is great but I am like a newbie again and things are difficult to find. I cant focus on reading books or cant sit long enough to see a movie.
Im Sorry India Now Has Terroists:
I wanted to tell you I am sorry what happened in Mumbai. MS was a great place to write until the Terrorism Topic separated us.Members should always be entitled to their opinions without getting their reviews rated down.
Someday maybe MSwill put their money to good use and pay us, (grin)!!!!! Thats when many of the older members may come back and write again.
An Update On Me:
In November I broke an arm and hip. The arm healed but I had to have a second hip operation.Osteoporosis has set my broken arm and hipback from healing.
I guess that is what happens when you get old. There are medicines that help some people but not me. Every one older than 60 should get a bone density test.
We couldnt celebrate my birthday or my husbands 70th birthday. We did go out for an hour to celebrate our 50 wedding anniversary.
To keep you up to date I have gone from being in a wheel chair, a walker and Im walking with a cane now. I can only sit for an hour. Then I cramp up.
I am writing here because I want to thank all of the members who have sent me some wonderful e-mails.