Shut-up-a-ya, more commonly known to all as or MS is a consumer opinion site where we, the consumer give our personal, but honest, opinions on products and services that we have used, be they good or bad.
Joining MS is rather simple, quick & straightforward; you simply pick a username & password & submit your e-mail address. That’s it pure & simple. You do, however have a profile page where you can fill in the rest of your personal details & let people know more about yourself. Why not upload a photo of yourself whilst you’re at it & let us see who you are. I would personally advise all members to fill in their profiles as this adds to the feeling of trust.
Submitting an opinion about a product or service is fairly simple. Just click on the link to the product & add your review. If it’s not listed you can request the inclusion of the product via the Mouthpad link that’s found on each page. You simply fill in the requested fields & submit. You can also submit your review at the same time, which makes things even better! Any time that I’ve submitted a new product it has been listed on the site within 24 hours, which is very fast & efficient for a site like this!
MS is actually a rather fast site & is very easy to navigate to the product of your choice. If the product isn’t listed, you can always request a review, which invites people to write a review for that particular product. There’s a good range of products & services listed on the site, but more need to be added regularly. We all use a lot of products & services at home, in school & in the work place, so there’s no shortage of possibilities! Get writing & get posting!
This next part may offend some of you, but dont forget, this is my personal opinion & what I see & think of the site. If you want to remove me from you trusted list because of my honesty, thats ok as theres no hard feelings. Ive already had a complaint about this part, but I write honestly. I also know that English is not the main language in India & other parts of the world.
The quality of reviews ranges & it goes from brilliant to not so helpful! Firstly you have the well-written, very detailed & very useful review that has taken an age to write & perfect. This will give loads of advice & be very useful to people thinking about that product/service.
Next comes the well-written, but not so well detailed review. This one’s taken a good while to write & perfect, but is just not quite as useful to people who are looking to your advice to make a purchase.
Next we have the review that does have a fairly useful details in it, but is not so well written.
Finally we come to the Churned review! This is the review that has no details of the product or service in it at all. Im not brilliant writer, but I try to write as detailed as I can as I want to help people.
You have the ability to trust or distrust any member & can add them to your appropriate lists. These lists can be made public for anyone to see or you can keep them private. Both are useful for keeping tabs on various people, for various reasons!
Finally, we come to the members, ourselves! Even though MS is primarily an Indian site in origin, it is full of members from all over the world. I’m from Northern Ireland, which isn’t exactly next door to India! It doesn’t matter where you come from, your race, colour, religion or creed, as we are all the same .. We live & we die, we love & we hate! It’s better to love than to hate! For the site to really work we all need to work together & in harmony!
There’s a lot more to MS than what I’ve written, but these were the main points that I wanted to write about! I’ve made a few friends in the few days that I’ve been a member, but I intend to make many more before my time is done!
Regards & best wishes to you all, wherever you are! Keep well & keep smiling! … Tom