Hi friends , This is my review and Iam not a great writer and iam new to writing . I was motivated , after reading Mohans review on " Tips on content Writing " and I can think I just can write a review and its better to write on mouthshut.com .
I was amazed to see the product reviews which I didnt expect when I became the member. I think this was the only one community site featuring all product reviews of wide range. iam a software girl , whenever I find time I will read reviews , rate it and comment it.
I happen to saw the sweet desire reviews, wow ! she is great ...she has written 100 reviews . Also I have read reviews of Star writers , Nishanu and swaraj Mishra .
Dont think iam filling up 150 words , really I like to apprecaite mouthshut in my first review .
Iam not sure whether I will win the contests because I know you people are much more crazy in writing reviews.
I think some of our star writers will read this review and rate this as Not useful . Some might have think " Is this the review " . But I am writing this review to just encourage all new writers like me that they can still write their reviews and make people read and comment their reviews.
I hope you will people will atleast comment my review . iam not sure how many will rate this review as very useful.
Keep witing reviews and give me your tips .. one day I will become sweets desire.