So far, we have read many reviews on Undoubtedly, they were all quite interesting. Many people including me have already become addicted to this wonderful website. MouthShut has become such a popular and favorite website for people around the world. Present members of MS are true witnesses. I am very happy for them as they seem to enjoy their time with MouthShut.
Having been out of the province for a week, I missed seeing an interesting feature in the home page. Thanks to my online friend Abbey who informed me of this latest feature. Infact, she congratulated me for being one of the popular writers at MS, which came as a pleasant shock to me!
Hence, I thought for people who missed those cute pair of turning eyes, my review will be of some help. This is the newly added feature called Community Center. MouthShut Member Relations Department has launched this Community Center to provide you with the latest information on the website.
Community center has six sections. You just have to click on it, to visit it.
The first one is the News section. It seems, ratings are more for your advice from May 29, 2001. If you wish to know how much, just send an email to them. I wish some more categories are included in the advice section to use this facility effectively.
Second is the Hall of fame, where you can see ten popular writers at MouthShut. From there you can go to their respective home pages to read their reviews.I like this special kind of recognition, which encourages the writer to do better work.
The third section takes you to Hot reviews by popular writers. If you had missed reading them earlier, you can do so now.
Fourth is the Member flagged section. If anyone seen violating terms of services, member harassment or any other forms of abuse is found, MouthShut warns the particular abusing member with a blue flag.I could see people with red flag too, which means the members access to MouthShut has been disabled.
Fifth is the Mouth sealed section, which gives an account of members who were found to violate terms of services and blatantly abused the community. They seem to have had multiple accounts and hence their membership was deleated.
Lastly, there is a Help center/Faqs which says about what its all about and why you should join Help center is self-explanatory.
You can see Aarti Kapoors welcoming message. She is Senior Manager, Member Relations for You can email her if you need any help or have any concern over MouthShut website.
There is also a new service called Dial the CEO, through which you can talk to the CEO. He is going to be in Bombay on June 5th, 2001. His tel # 91-22-600-6788.Get ready, all those who want to catch him over phone! 5 th of June is just around the corner!
There are letters from the CEO and Aarti Kapoor to keep you updated on what is happening at
You can also see MouthShut site status at extreme left with date and Indian Standard time.
Guidelines for being a Star writer is another helpful section. People who aspire to become star writers must give a serious second look!
Under Contests column, I could see that prizes have already been given to the one for Founding member club as the contest ended on 15th Feb, 2001.It will be nice if there are more ongoing contests to keep the site lively and to encourage budding writers to write reviews more confidently.
Thats it folks! Those of you who missed seeing the Community Centre at MouthShut, you can go for a short visit now. I am sure you will enjoy knowing what is going on at MS currently. If youve already seen what I wrote about, I am extremely sorry for having bored you. Anyway, I alerted you earlier saying this review is for people who missed those cute eyes!