Mouthshut?????? well literal meaning is to keep ones mouth shut, But I sometimes wonder what made the developers of the site keep such a name..I could just come to two conclusions
1) To keep ones mouth shut and let his creative juices flow through his writings..
2) TO make Ones point so vivid and clear that it makes others MOUTH SHUT..
Anyways let me not get into that..Whatever the meaning is, The site has just made me turn addictive and keep my mouthshut rather than blabbering..
I was searching something (which I m not able to recollect now) On Google, when suddenly I came across this sitename..I was amused by the name and was curious to know about it. Well since then I havent left the site. Its now a routine for me to check it atleast thrice a day.
The site has given me a lot of information and knowledge and has also sharpened my writing skills to a large extent..So u cud just imagine how pathetic I used to write before joining MS(Mouthshut). This review is just my tribute to such a wonderful site for bearing me so long.
---------------------------- is a site which helps one to freely express whatever he feels for on a topic. Freedom of speech can be redefined as
The best part of the site is you dont need to be member to read reviews. So the benefits of the site can be experienced by Non members too. Members can Read, Write, Rate and also comment on the reviews..
There are many people who cant express properly while speaking to someone. Such people will find this site as a wing to fly. I have heard somewhere that one can express himself/herself the best thru writing. Well I must say MS just confirmed that saying.
Then there are Trusted Circles which can motivate a writer when someone trusts him/her.
The most Lively section of the site is the comment section. This is the section where
the readers either agree or disagree and reciprocate their views to the writer.
MouthShut thru my eyes
Well the review is one general thoughts about MS so let me get into that thru my point of view.
I have always been fascinated by this site by the sheer information it provides. But then I would like the readers to be a bit careful and not just take any decisions based on a single revu written by some writer. The most obvious reason is The writer expresses his /her point of view and its not necessary that it shud be always correct. It may be a biased opinion also..So before taking any decisions just read some other revus under the same category.
The members of the site have been the force of the site. Well its always the case that people make up the Place. MS have got many members who have a strong bonding towards each other which is really a nice thing. But sometimes I feel the bonding can result in a biased Rating to a Review.
Reviews should always be considered above the person who had written it. The site has been developed to guide people about a product. So just coz my friend has rated it BAD I shudnt rate it bad. Just coz The person who has written it, has added me to his/her trusted circle I shudnt give his review a Not USeful or Somewhat USeful rating, when the review deserves such a rating is a cardinal sin as per my views.
Similarly its also not gud to rate a review bad Just coz the writer is a star writer and rating him/her bad and giving a controversial comment wud bring the member to limelite is an equally cardinal sin. Make ur presence felt by ur revus and ur thoughts, not by Controversy.
The trust Circles, as per me, shud be used not just coz someone has trusted me so even I shud trust him/her. Trust In MS is based on revus and the thoughts which a member mite have expressed in his/her revus or comments or M2Ms whatever.
If I feel a member can be trusted I dont wait for him/her to trust me before I could add him/her to my trust list.
Well there has been a lot of reviews on Comments. My view towards comments is Comments are a forum to discuss with the writer about any topic in the revu which the reader was not able to decipher Well some personal notes can be exchanged as its an informal forum so U shud have the liberty to express ur feelings towards the writer But I feel writing something not even remotely related to the product under review shud be avoided. M2Ms can be used for such things to be discussed.
Someone has rightly said in one of the reviews Comments are Life line of MS yes they are truly life lines of MS. I think even if someone doesnt rate my reviews but leaves a comment on it I would be more than happy. A Constructive criticism helps the writer improve his skills. But How pathetic the comment be one shud never indulge in name calling. I personally like Straightforward Comments rather than unnecesarry Goodies. I may be Very wrong But I feel Our Positive and Gud things remain with us, But we need to know what our limitations are So that we can work on it atleast to reduce it if not rectify So Any Constructive criticism are alwayz Welcome..
Last but not least.. I thank The developers of the site who have given me an opportunity to speak my heart out. I also thank All MS members, for the daily inspirations I get from their writing skills, along with ample information..
Well I havent put my wish list in the profile page.. But YEs it wud be something like this..
Wish List : To GEt More and More Unbiased Revus from MS Members and also help me sharpen my writing skills.